Baal from Genshin Impact is here! Do you ever get that feeling after finishing a big project, like it’s still not quite finished? Yeah, that’s me right now, it’s rather unreal.
I don’t play Genshin but I do love the designs so it makes me incredibly happy to work on projects like this. I had a lot of fun with all the process of bring this one to life.
I wanted the colors to on this one to just be there nice and strong even if I was going to cover them up. I gradient dyed both the chiffon top layer and the base fabric before hand painting. I used Arteza textile paints. I absolutely loved them. It was my first time using this brand and look at that saturation with one layer. the paints are smooth, the colors are great and the metallic shine to them make my heart flutter.
I of course couldn’t resist adding trims and other little detail to every inch of this project. I do hope you look at the details because there is so much to see.
Big thank you to my model Colie Pellet! My dress form just did this one no justice, so it was wonderful to get a beautiful body to showcase my work Thank you so much! Now I can not wait for my client to get to enjoy their new Cosplay!